W系列共推出9个型号, 每台机器有其不同的操作尺寸及效果,多年来以其极高的精度,便携式的现场操作赢得业内极高的口碑, 多用于大型或小型机件孔型或机械铰接街头的加工和维修,免去拆卸部件停止工作并送去车间进行维修的必要。经过精密统计,结果得出这样的创新设备能使加工时间缩短85%,极大的减少了时间和成本。
该机型可以在及其简单的步骤设置后进行如下的现场操作 :
以达到将锥形 ,圆形或磨损的孔恢复到其原始尺寸,并实现机件稳定,精密,紧凑 ,坚固并安全的操作效果 。
The electronic control panel manages the motorization of the machine by adjusting the speed and direction of machine’s rotation and feed.
On the control panel there are the following buttons:
Switch on button with status light
Emergency switch with rotary release
Selector of rotation direction
Selector of feed direction
Tachometer knob for fine adjustment of rotation speed
Tachometer knob for fine adjustment of feed speed
"Rapid" feed translation button
On the same control panel there are the following luminous indications:
Power on light status
Rotation direction light status
Feed direction light status
Rotation speed 3-digit display (RPM)
Feed speed 4-digit display (RPM)
10-level bar with rotation motor work load indication (S.T.P.) *
Counter display
* Thanks to the LED bar defined as STP, it is possible to check instantly the work load of the rotation motor in order to be able to optimally choose the operating parameters (rotation speed and feed speed) based on the hardness of the material, the type of tool installed, the working diameter and the cutting diameter of the tool. Furthermore, the bar signals in advance the alarm condition and the subsequent shutdown of the entire control panel, lightening until the operating conditions are restored.
On the base of the control panel, two windows display possible error codes and/or signals from the two inverters.
Three-phase power supply 380/400V 50/60Hz maximum required power 4.5Kw
“涡轮式蜗杆“带永久润滑 ,是受到专利保护的先进技术 ,为了提高生产率,高性能,和低噪声, 机件采用16CrNi4钢,水泥,钢化并重整,可使器材表面之间在塑形后有更好的接触,机轮上配有铸铁G20的轮毂,在其上应用抗摩擦青铜融合G-CuSn12,以优化性能和效率。外壳和法兰面由工程铸铁G20 UNI 5007制成,为保证高质量, 所有的零配件,如圆锥滚子轴承或径向球轴承,油封,垫圈,润滑油等,都经过精密的选择。
最高标准的功率 ,适用于任何的操作需求,尤其是当这些需求涉及到线性运动,机器的过载能力和高惯性负载的控制。经过反复不断的磁测试,很大程度上保证了其可靠性和效率, 其主要特点是: